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Faculty of Science

MATH 4055/5055: Advanced Algebra II

Theo Johnson-Freyd, theojf@dal.ca
Lectures: TuTh 10:05-11:25.
Office hours: We 14:35-16:55.

University Policies and Statements

This course is governed by the academic rules and regulations set forth in the University Calendar and by Senate.

Digital communication

As per the University code, email is an authorized means of communication for academic and administrative purposes within Dalhousie. The University will assign all students an official email address. This address will remain in effect while the student remains a student and for one academic term following a student's last registration. This is the only email address that will be used for communication with students regarding all academic and administrative matters. Any redirection of email will be at the student's own risk. Each student is expected to check her or his official email address frequently in order to stay current with Dalhousie communications.

Missed or Late Academic Requirements due to Student Absence

As per Senate decision instructors may not require medical notes of students who must miss an academic requirement, including the final exam, for courses offered during fall or winter 2020-21 (until April 30, 2021). Information on regular policy, including the use of the Student Declaration of Absence can be found here: https://www.dal.ca/dept/university_secretariat/policies/academic/missed-or-late-academic-requirements-due-to-student-absence.html.

Academic Integrity

At Dalhousie University, we are guided in all of our work by the values of academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, responsibility and respect (The Center for Academic Integrity, Duke University, 1999). As a student, you are required to demonstrate these values in all of the work you do. The University provides policies and procedures that every member of the university community is required to follow to ensure academic integrity. Information: https://www.dal.ca/dept/university_secretariat/academic-integrity.html


The Advising and Access Services Centre is Dalhousie's centre of expertise for student accessibility and accommodation. The advising team works with students who request accommodation as a result of a disability, religious obligation, or any barrier related to any other characteristic protected under Human Rights legislation (Canada and Nova Scotia). Information: https://www.dal.ca/campus_life/academic-support/accessibility.html

Student Code of Conduct

Everyone at Dalhousie is expected to treat others with dignity and respect. The Code of Student Conduct allows Dalhousie to take disciplinary action if students don’t follow this community expectation. When appropriate, violations of the code can be resolved in a reasonable and informal manner—perhaps through a restorative justice process. If an informal resolution can’t be reached, or would be inappropriate, procedures exist for formal dispute resolution. Code: https://www.dal.ca/dept/university_secretariat/policies/student-life/code-of-student-conduct.html

Diversity and Inclusion – Culture of Respect

Every person at Dalhousie has a right to be respected and safe. We believe inclusiveness is fundamental to education. We stand for equality. Dalhousie is strengthened in our diversity. We are a respectful and inclusive community. We are committed to being a place where everyone feels welcome and supported, which is why our Strategic Direction prioritizes fostering a culture of diversity and inclusiveness. Statement: http://www.dal.ca/cultureofrespect.html

Recognition of Mi’kmaq Territory

Dalhousie University would like to acknowledge that the University is on Traditional Mi’kmaq Territory. The Elders in Residence program provides students with access to First Nations elders for guidance, counsel and support. Visit or e-mail the Indigenous Student Centre (1321 Edward St) (elders@dal.ca). Information: https://www.dal.ca/campus_life/communities/indigenous.html

Important Dates in the Academic Year (including add/drop dates)


University Grading Practices


Student Resources and Support


Academic supports

Other supports and services
