TQFT Reading Group - Fall 2022
We will read through the book Dualizable Tensor Categories by Chris Douglas, Chris Schommer-Pries, and Noah Snyder. We mostly meet in person, but all meetings will also be joinable on Zoom. Please contact Theo for the Zoom link.
Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30pm, in Chase 319.
The group leaders for each week are as follows:
- Week 1: Scott on the def’n of tensor cats, rigid tensor cats, their string diagrams, and Hopf algebras. notes.
Week 2: Daniel on the symmetric monoidal bicategory of algebras and bimodules. notes.
Week 3: Marcello on the def’n of higher dualizability
Week 4: Deni on the examples of finding the fully dualizable sub(bi)category for each of Vect, A-Mod, and Mor
Week 5: Adrien on fusion categories and TV TQFT