Theories of Mind and Mathematics

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30–5:00, University Library 3370
Instructor: Theo Johnson-Freyd. Office Hours: TTh 12–2 and by appointment, in Lunt 312.
Email: Website:

The course website is the syllabus you are currently reading, available online at

Any student requesting accommodations related to a disability or other condition is required to register with AccessibleNU (847-467-5530) and provide the professor with an accommodation notification from AccessibleNU, preferably within the first two weeks of class. All information will remain confidential.

Intellectual and academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this or any Northwestern class. Suspected violations of academic integrity will be reported to the Dean's Office. For detailed discussion of academic integrity, see

It is the responsibility of students to review this syllabus as soon as it is distributed and to consult the professor promptly regarding any possible conflicts. Upon the timely request of students, assignment deadlines that fall on religious holidays will be rescheduled. Students will not be penalized for class absences because of religious holidays, but must notify the professor of conflicts well in advance of any anticipated absence, and provide accurate information about the obligations entailed in the observance of that particular holiday. Northwestern's policy on the observance of religious holidays is available at

Table of Contents

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Guiding questions

What is it that mathematicians accomplish? Does mathematics accurately describe the world? Is mathematics consistent? Is science consistent? How can mere humans comprehend and communicate mathematics? How can mere humans comprehend human thought?

One feature of human consciousness is our ability to make choices and to create art; are these abilities consistent with a materialist scientific understanding of the universe? Another feature of human consciousness is our ability to think about ourselves; is a computer conscious if it can report on its own status? Mathematics can be used to study the structure of mathematics, and humans can think about the structure of thought; how are these forms of self-reference related, and does this relation shed light on the aforementioned questions?

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Methods and course requirements

We will spend the majority of class time discussing the assigned readings. Students should arrive having thought about the readings and prepared to share those thoughts; see the discussion of active reading below. We will also devote some class time to peer review and other activities in small groups. Because in-class discussion is a core component of the class, daily attendence and daily participation are required. Except in rare instances, two or more absences will negatively impact your final grade.

This class will also demand a fair amount of work outside of class time, including reading and writing assignments. You should expect to devote six hours per week outside of class. If you find that you are working significantly more than this, let me know.

The requirements for the class fall into the following four categories:

  1. Reading and discussion.
  2. Four short (two to three pages) essays.
  3. One long (eight to ten pages) final paper.
  4. One short (five to seven minutes) presentation at the end of class symposium.
Details will be discussed in class.

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Required readings

Students are expected to purchase the following three texts:

We will alternate between sections of GEB and essays from the course packet (see the calendar below). This is a lot of reading — in many weeks, over 100 pages. Don't fall behind!

GEB is a long book, and touches on many topics. A non-exhaustive list includes: number theory; logic; computer science; artificial intelligence; cognitive psychology; modern art; Baroque music; Zen Buddhism; quantum physics; molecular biology. In places it is profound, in places it is pedantic, and in places it is quite dated. The course packet essays cover a similar range of topics, and provide important alternative perspectives. The MLA Handbook is an invaluable resource that you should consult when questions come up during your writing for this class, although you will sometimes make informed decisions to disregard its advice, and that you should continue to use throughout your Northwestern career.

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Active reading

Scholarly reading is more than words passing in front of eyes. It requires pauses to think, to organize, and to look things up. Always have paper and pen with you as you read. Moreover, please get into the habit of looking up everything mentioned in a reading: find every in-text citation in the bibliography, and encode the author and title; find every work of visual art on Google Images, and listen to a bit of every work of music on either Youtube or Naxos Music Library.

For each reading, keep track of those passages that:

  1. Are the core of the reading.
  2. You don't understand.
  3. You do understand, but disagree with.
  4. Are intriguing and easily overlooked.
Bring your notes with you to class, and be prepared to discuss your selections.
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I will continuously update this calendar with links to handouts and other in-class material. All readings should be completed by the start of class on the day listed. All essays are due by email by 9am on the day listed. The abbreviation "GEB" always refers to

All other required readings are provided in the Course Packet.

Tuesday, September 22 Introduction.
Handouts: Syllabus. The MU Puzzle. Thinking about the MU Puzzle.
Recommended reading:

Thursday, September 24 Read by the start of class:

Recommended reading:

Tuesday, September 29 First short essay due by email by 9am.
Read by the start of class:

Handouts: First Essay Introductions. Grading rubric. Thinking about Mathematics. Recommended viewing: Not Knot.

Thursday, October 1 Read by the start of class:

Recommended reading:

Tuesday, October 6 Read by the start of class:

Recommended reading:

Thursday, October 8 Second short essay due by email by 9am.
Read by the start of class: Handout: Thinking about Art.

Tuesday, October 13 Read by the start of class:

Thursday, October 15 Read by the start of class:

Tuesday, October 20 Read by the start of class:

Handout: Peer Review Worksheet to be completed on Thursday, October 22.

Thursday, October 22 Third short essay due by email by 9am.
Read by the start of class:

Tuesday, October 27 Revisions to third short essay due by email by 9am.
Read by the start of class: Handout: Thinking about Essay Writing.

Thursday, October 29 Read by the start of class:

Tuesday, November 3 Fourth short essay due by email by 9am.
Read by the start of class:

Handout: Thinking about the Academic Conversation.

Thursday, November 5 Read by the start of class:

Tuesday, November 10 Read by the start of class:

Thursday, November 12 Read by the start of class:

Tuesday, November 17 Read by the start of class:

Flip through, but don't feel obligated to read carefully:

Thursday, November 19 Read by the start of class:

Tuesday, November 24 Flip through, but don't feel obligated to read carefully:

Read by the start of class:

Thursday, November 26 Thanksgiving break.

Tuesday, December 1 and Thursday, December 3 In-class symposium.

Monday, December 7 Final paper due via email by 12noon.

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