At Dalhousie
Winter 2025: Math 3032: Abstract Algebra II
Winter 2025: Math 4055/5055: Advanced Algebra II
Winter 2024: Math 4057/5057: Lie Theory
Winter 2024: Math 4055/5055: Advanced Algebra II
Winter 2023: Math 4180/5180: Algebraic Topology
Winter 2023: Math 3032: Abstract Algebra II
Fall 2022: TQFT reading group
Winter 2022: Math 2135: Linear Algebra
Winter 2022: Math 4055/5055: Advanced Algebra II
Winter 2021: Math 3032: Abstract Algebra II
At Perimeter Institute
Fall 2019: The cohomology of groups. Videos of lectures.
At Mathcamp
Summer 2019: Sporadic Groups and where to find them. Colloquium slides with video (200MB), Colloquium slides without video (8MB). Class lecture notes.
Summer 2008: Combinatorial Calculus: From Taylor Series to Feynman Diagrams. notes, exercises
Summer 2007: Topics in Quantum Mechanics
At Northwestern
Winter 2016: Math 448: Topology and Geometry seminar — Reshetikhin–Turaev Invariants
Fall 2015: First-year Seminar: Theories of mind and mathematics
Spring 2014: Freshman Seminar: Theories of mind and mathematics
Fall 2013: Math 300: Foundations of Higher Mathematics
At Berkeley
Summer 2009: Math 1B: Calculus
Spring 2009: Math 1A: Calculus
Fall 2008: Math 32: Precalculus
Summer 2008: Math 1B: Calculus
Spring 2008: Math 53: Multivariable Calculus
Fall 2007: Math 1B: Calculus