Calculus 1B, Summer 2008

Calculus 1B, Summer 2008

Section 002 ("Lecture") and 201 ("Discussion"). CCN: 61035 and 61040.

Table of Contents

Contact Info

Theo Johnson-Freyd
Office: 844 Evans

The class will meet 8-10 am every morning Monday through Friday, with a mix of lecture and discussion. You must enroll in both the lecture and the corresponding discussion section.

Office Hours

Monday/Wednesday 10-11
Tuesday/Thursday 11-12
in 844 Evans unless otherwise announced that day in class

Tutoring at SLC

The Student Learning Center offers free tutoring. They write:

Math/Stat Drop-In Tutoring
Math/Stat Drop-In provides individual assistance to most lower division math courses and all summer stat courses: Math 1AB, 16AB, 32, 53, 54; Stat 2, 20, 21, 134. Our services are free to all registered Summer Session students. Drop-In is scheduled to start on Wed 6/25. Tutors are available during these hours: Math M-Th 11-4, Stat M-Th 12-4. To get help, students type in their Student ID at the computer located in the west corner of the Cesar-Chavez Atrium, and tutors will provide assistance on a first-come, first-served basis. The Cesar Chavez Student Center is located on lower Sproul. For more information, email mleong at thisuniversity dot edu or mjwong at thisuniversity dot edu.


J. Stewart, Single Variable Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals Student Edition, University of California, Berkeley (2008).

Grading Policy

The expected cut-offs for letter grades based on overall percentages are the standard ones: A+ = 98-up, A = 92-97, A- = 90-91, B+ = 88-89, B = 82-87, B- = 80-81, C+ = 78-79, C = 72-77, C- = 70-71, D+ = 68-69, D = 60-67, F = down-59. Depending on how the course goes, these cut-offs might lower — perhaps an 88% will be an A- — but they will not rise (i.e. there will not be a "negative curve").

Detailed Grading Policy

Homework and in-class participation

Learning mathematics requires doing mathematics. Homework will be assigned daily, corresponding to that day's lecture (the calendar is below). Each day I will select eight (often challenging) homework problems. The five odd-numbered problems are suggested for practice, and you should consult the back of the book. The three even-numbered problems are generally harder, and the grader will grade some, but not all, of them. You are expected to complete all of the assigned homework, but whether or not you turn in the first 5/8 each day will not affect your grade. You should expect to budget an hour or three per day on homework.

Homework will be collected each week on Friday: please turn in the homeworks assigned on the previous Thursday through Wednesday. Late work will not be accepted — turning in work late is rude to the grader. ("Late" is defined as "before the grader has picked up the assignment"; he will collect the homeworks from my mailbox on the 9th floor of Evans sometime Friday, roughly at noon.) The course will move fast enough that it is extremely important that you keep up with the homework. If you do not understand some of the homework, my office hours are your best recourse: I promise to explain any and all homework questions brought to office hours.

Also important is attending (including being attentive in) lecture/discussion. I will not take roll, but I will pay attention to which students chronically sleep through class or chronically participate, and extra credit will be awarded to those students who participate in class. The class structure will be a mix of lecture and in-class discussion, with daily handouts: each handout will include in-class group-work exercises on the day's topic.

A note on group work: I highly encourage collaborative work in mathematics, and in-class problem-solving will always be in groups. As such, you are welcome — nay, encouraged — to find study-buddies in the class and do homework together. However, keep in mind that you will take quizzes and tests alone, and when you use this material in the future, you will not have these study friends. Thus, make sure that you understand how to solve each problem: do not just copy homework answers.


Quizzes will be every Tuesday and Thursday, usually on the material from the previous day or two. These are meant primarily as a diagnostic, both for me and for you. Most quizzes will have two or three questions, and most quiz problems will be similar to homework problems, but there might be some variation.

There will be twelve quizzes, and I will count the top ten, so don't worry if you do badly or miss one or two. If you miss quizzes for medical emergency or family emergency reasons, I may drop more than two quizzes on a case-by-case basis, but you should be sure to let me know immediately if something comes up. For non-emergency medical, etc., absences, you may be able to take quizzes early during my office hours the day before, but you'll need to let me know a day or two ahead. Make up quizzes will not be available. Quiz answers will be available online shortly after each quiz.


One two-hour in-class midterm, on Tuesday, July 22, will contribute 40% of your grade. It will cover all the material from class on techniques of integration and of solving differential equations. Do not miss the midterm, as make-up midterms are generally not available, except in extremely special circumstances.

Final Exam

One two-hour in-class final exam, on Friday, August 15, will contribute 40% of your grade. It will include some material from the first half of class, but will be geared towards the material of the second half (sequences and series). Do not miss the final. Make-up exams are not available without involving administrators from the math department and from the larger university.


Please at least glance at (better is to actually read) the chapter from Stewart before that day's class. Homework problems are from the marked chapters. Occasional chapters are not included in the Berkeley edition of the textbook, but are from; these open as pdfs.

Handouts, Quizzes, and Exams

Daily handouts, quizzes (with answers), and exams (with answers), will be posted shortly after each class, all as PDFs. If you are on a Mac, these should open automatically; Windows users may need to download Adobe Reader if it is not already installed.

(Note: My blog entries and the like are often more advanced than is expected for the class, or otherwise extend the material in some way. I link to them here just in case you're curious about "why" questions, rather than the standard calculus-class "how" questions.)

Last updated 24 June 2008.