Course Content
Tom Judson, Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications, 2022. Free.
David A. Cox , John Little , Donal O'Shea, Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms:
An Introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, 2015. Free with institutional access.
John B Fraleigh, First Course in Abstract Algebra, 2020. Expensive (but older editions are easy to find for unauthorized download if you do that type of thing).
Homework assignments
Assignment 1, due 20 January 2023. Solutions.
Assignment 2, due 3 February 2023. Solutions.
Assignment 3, due 28 February 2023. Solutions.
Assignment 4, due 14 March 2023. This is an open-ended assignment, with no specific solution.
Assignment 5, due 23 March 2023. Solutions.
Assignment 6, due 4 April 2023.
Assignment 7, due 11 April 2023.
Practice midterm and solutions.
Midterm and solutions.
Practice final and solutions.
Final and solutions.
Slides from online lectures
Slides from previous years.
The following slides might be of use. They are from 2021, when the class was entirely online. Note that they do not follow the same order as this class. Note also that the first week of lectures were not preserved.
Lecture 3. Lecture 4. Lecture 5. Lecture 6. Lecture 7. Lecture 8. Lecture 9. Lecture 10. Lecture 11. Lecture 12. Lecture 13. Lecture 14. Lecture 15. Lecture 16. Lecture 17. Lecture 18. Lecture 19. Lecture 20.
Fun exercises
Mike Pierce, at UC Riverside, maintains lists of fun exercises in various topics, targeted at their Qualifying Exam. (In the UC system, qualifying exams are typically taken upon arrival the first week of starting graduate school. Students are required to pass by the end of their first year.) These same questions make good practice questions for anyone studying the subject. I particularly like his list of Ring Theory questions; there are also some good questions on his Commutative Algebra list.