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Faculty of Science

MATH 2135: Linear Algebra

Theo Johnson-Freyd, theojf@dal.ca
Lectures: MTR 16:35-17:25.
Office hours: TW 13:05-14:25.

Course Content

The textbook for the course is Linear Algebra Done Right by Sheldon Axler. We will follow it reasonably closely, although not verbatim, and we will not cover all material. Axler has also prepared videos summarizing the book. They are available free online at https://linear.axler.net/LADRvideos.html.

Approximate content of lectures:

Homework assignments

Assignments should be submitted to theojf@dal.ca as a single PDF attachment, and can be neatly handwritten or typeset. Please make sure that your last name appears in the file name (and not just, say, "Homework 1").

If ever a question doesn't say, assume that you should justify your answers. When explaining or justifying an answer, formulate your reasoning into well-written sentences and paragraphs. The homeworks are designed to stretch you, and it is not expected that you will answer every question. The "100%" equivalent is listed below.

  1. Assignment 1 (TeX source), due January 21. Solutions (TeX source). Score for 100%: 80/100.
  2. Assignment 2 (TeX source), due February 1. Solutions (TeX source). Score for 100%: 50/60.
  3. Assignment 3 (TeX source), due February 9. Solutions (TeX source). Score for 100%: 50/60.
  4. Assignment 4 (TeX source), due February 17. Solutions (TeX source). Score for 100%: 40/60.
  5. Assignment 5 (TeX source), due March 18. Solutions (TeX source). Score for 100%: 60/60.
  6. Assignment 6 (TeX source), due March 25. Solutions (TeX source). Score for 100%: 60/60.
  7. Assignment 7 (TeX source), due April 5. Solutions (TeX source). Score for 100%: 50/60.


The midterm exam will be held in-class on Tuesday, March 1. It will cover the first three chapters of Linear Algebra Done Right. Whereas homework assignments are primarily there to stretch your understanding and guide your learning, midterms primarily exist to test mastery of material. The exam will consist of six very short questions and one slightly longer one.

As set by the registrar, the final exam will be held in-person on Saturday, April 9, 7pm in Dunn 101. The exam will be similar in length, style, and difficulty to the midterm exam.